Joe Satriani

A guitar hero for guitar heroes, Joe Satriani had already served as a teacher for some of rock's most impressive axe slingers before accomplishing the rare feat of breaking into the mainstream with instrumental guitar music.

His 1987 album Surfing with the Alien turned him into a star, kicking off a series of hit records that included 1989's Flying in a Blue Dream and 1998's Crystal Planet. There were dozens of successful tours all over the globe, as well gigs backing Mick Jagger in the '80s, joining Deep Purple in the '90s, and jamming with Sammy Hagar, Chad Smith, and Michael Anthony in the supergroup Chickenfoot. 

Satriani's unstoppable momentum kept going for decades, with the guitarist releasing new music into the 2020s with albums like 2022's The Elephants of Mars.  Anurag and I caught with up Joe to talk about his new album The Elephants of Mars , the upcoming tour and stories from the road.

For more tour dates, to check out Steve's latest work with the Hydra, and for tickets go this his website 
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Hosted & Produced by Vikram Chandrasekar and Moving Pictures Media

vikram chandrasekar